The Department of Tourism Administration, which dates back to 1976, offers a four-year undergraduate program and a master's degree in "Sustainable Tourism Management".
Our aim is to educate candidates to managerial positions in the tourism field, who are fluent in English, speak a second foreign language and will follow innovations at the international level. The curriculum is developed taking into account the priority needs of the tourism industry and global changes, with the aim of establishing a balance between the core business disciplines and the applied field studies required by the tourism business profession.
The Department cooperates with universities around the world on research projects and exchange programs as a member of the World Tourism Organization's Knowledge Network. In addition, the Department has successfully completed the audit process and received UNWTO TEDQUAL accreditation for its quality of tourism education for the period of 2012-2016,. This accreditation was renewed in 2016 and is valid until 2020.
As the Department of Tourism Administration, we care about industry-academy cooperation; we cooperate and coordinate with experts working on the field, sharing scientific work, practices and experiences. In order to ensure that our graduates have the appropriate knowledge and background to serve the needs of the sector, we take advantage of the recommendations given by our Advisory Board consisting of internal and external stakeholders. Furthermore, senior students of the Department of Tourism Administration work with the sector within the scope of applied research theses.